We were glad to participate in XR for Architecture and Interior Design Webinar and join relevant EU initiatives to further discuss on current developments and future applications of XR technologies in construction, architecture and interior design. The webinar took place on June 29, 10-12 am CEST and showcased the results of ATLANTIS and PrismArch.

Brita Piovesan (Roomle), Vasileios Gkitsas, Petros Drakoulis, Dimitrios Zarpalas (CERTH-ITI) and Werner Bailer (JOANNEUM RESEARCH) presented Atlantis project (http://atlantis-ar.eu) who created an app to support indoor planning and furniture retailing with the help of augmented reality, including diminished reality, i.e., the capability to remove real objects that would otherwise clash with inserted virtual objects. The panel further discussed on how they coped with the availability of training data when developing deep learning based methods.

For PrismArch, Spiros Nikolopoulos (CERTH) presented all recent developments for the VR-based platform for the architecture, engineering and construction industries, that allows experts from different domains to collaboratively view, annotate and modify data in order to have a holistic view including aesthetics, simulation models and meta-information. Kostas Sfikas (UoM) also highlighted our work on AI for designing modeling, while Edoardo Tibuzzi (AKT II) briefly presented the next steps and results from PrismArch.

The panel further discussed on the future of XR technologies developed in these projects during the following years, potential biggest hurdles to overcome and raising opportunities that may occur in AEC industry.
A worth watching webinar, soon to be released on video for anyone interested to check.