Recently-released Unreal Engine 5 provides a wide range of new tools for architecture. Features that at first glance may appear to be designed purely for game development in fact empower new possibilities in city-scale urban redesign and digital twins.
PrismArch’s platform is currently being updated in order to also be compatible in UE5 and access an advanced toolset.
Some of the highlights of UE 5.0 in the context of architectural visualization are the following:
- Lumen, Unreal Engine 5’s dynamic global illumination and reflections system, where indirect lighting reacts on the fly to changes to direct lighting or geometry,
- Enhanced Path Tracer, providing a Path Tracer Quality Switch node that enables users to set up one material for the Path Tracer and another for real-time rendering,

- New support for MetaHumans including path-traced eye shaders and hair for increased accuracy,
- An extended toolset for editing models, creating and editing UVs, enabling users to make adjustments to their model when they don’t have access to the source modeling application,
- Datasmith plugins with Direct Link functionality for Archicad, Revit, Rhino, and SketchUp Pro, while the feature is built into BricsCAD and Vectorworks. Users can even link to multiple files from different applications at once,
- Nanite, a virtualized micropolygon geometry system enabling users to import and work with multi-million-polygon files while maintaining a real-time frame rate.
Unreal Engine 5 opens new doors for architectural visualization offering a wide range of new tools and novel workflows.
Stay tuned and learn more about the exciting new possibilities PrismArch platform will provide, by supporting a dynamic collaboration among architects, structural and MEP engineers, allowing them to jointly decide, preview and assess the outcome of their decisions towards a universal optimal solution.